Skype Download Classic For Mac

Where to download Skype for Mac 10.8.5? One of our employee in China is still using Mac 10.8.5, because the China Great Firewall, the Internet connection speed is too slow. We need to make group conference call, so she is always using a Skype for iPhone version. I just followed the online instructions on the Skype website to download the classic version of Skype for Mac. I want to install it, but when I double-click on the dmg icon, I see a folder window with a Skype icon, and an application folder icon (see screenshot below).
Hello Mac users,
You may have noticed that we have been making frequent updates to Skype for Mac. We have been focused on building an experience that is in line with Skype’s ongoing transition from peer-to-peer to a modern cloud architecture. We are also making updates customized for Mac users, including the recently enabled Touch Bar support, giving you quick access to Skype call controls as well as emoticons.
Today, we’re pleased to announce that version 7.50 for Mac will enable the Share extension for users on Mac OS 10.10 and higher. You can now share files, videos, photos, links and more directly to Skype! Just right click on what you want to share, select “Share” and then “Skype” from the menu. To turn this feature on, go to “System Preferences”, select “Extensions”, then “Share Menu”, and check the box next to Skype.
You can download the latest version of Skype for Mac by visiting
Please continue to help us make Skype the best it can be by providing feedback on your Skype for Mac experience. Head over to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or the Skype Community, we’re listening!