Cmake For Mac

Quick CMake Tutorial. This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating and developing a simple CMake project. Step by step, we will learn the basics of CMake as a build system, along with the CLion settings and actions for CMake projects. The source code of the sample project used below is available on GitHub. CMake 3.16.4 - Cross-platform, Open-Source build system. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate.

> I downloaded/installed the Qt libraries (the Cocoa libs), and rebuilt CMake
> 2.8.0. I'm using a customized version of CMake 2.8.0 so the stock binaries
> from Kitware won't work for my project. The gui builds correctly and I can
> run the gui from the CMake bundle in the build directory. After
> running make install, trying to run the CMake bundle from
> /usr/local just results in the app crashing on startup. I'm running OS X
> 10.6.2.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Steve
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Bill Hoffman <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
>> Michael Wild wrote:
>>> You need to have Qt installed.
>>> If you only want to build Qt software (i.e. don't care about the IDE),
>>> make sure you only download the library package (163MB) and not the SDK
>>> (444MB).
>> You can also download the CMake binary for OSX from Kitware it includes
>> the gui.
>> -Bill
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> Please keep messages on-topic and check the CMake FAQ at:
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I would like check whether I am in Mac OS X or not, and have the following code Vcop2 free download for mac windows 7.

It failed on non-OSX system with error message

If I replace ${APPLE} with APPLE, the error went away. But I am a little puzzled by this. When should we refer to a variable with ${VAR} and when should we not to?

Thanks in advance.

To put it shortly: Everything inside the if parentheses is evaluated as an expression, this is the semantic of the if keyword. So if you put APPLE there, it gets evaluated as a variable name and yields the correct result.

Now if you put ${APPLE} there, ${} will evaluate its contents beforeif evaluates the expression. Therefore, it's the same as if you'd written

(in the case that the variable APPLE isn't set, which is the case on non-OSX systems). This is invalid syntax and yields the error you get. You should write:

Quoting from the CMake Documentation:

The if command was written very early in CMake’s history, predating the ${} variable evaluation syntax, and for convenience evaluates variables named by its arguments as shown in the above signatures. Note that normal variable evaluation with ${} applies before the if command even receives the arguments. Therefore code like:

appears to the if command as:

and is evaluated according to the if() case documented above. The result is OFF which is false. However, if we remove the ${} from the example then the command sees:

which is true because var2 is defined to “var1” which is not a false constant.

Cannot link Boost to CMake-based project on VS2015 RC


The problem is that you define BOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK which according to the Boost.Test docs is used when consuming the dynamically-built Boost.Test lib. Since you have built the static version, you should remove this definition..

What is the name of CMake's default build target?


The default build target does not exist as a CMake target at CMake configure time. It is only exists in the generated build system. Therefore it is not possible to have the default target depend on a custom target.

Cannot link to sublibrary/internal library/embedded library with CMake's Visual Studio generator


From your other question, I gather the project is this one. The cause of the problem is that you're building boost_http as a shared library, but you don't export any functions or classes from it. You need to decorate the public API functions/classes with __declspec(dllexport) to make these available to..

Having issues with using libraries and CMake


The error message is pretty clear: There are two targets with the same name which is not possible in CMake. add_executable(Majick ${SOURCE_FILES}) .. add_library(Majick STATIC) I guess the second target just needs to be deleted..

Add LLVM to project using cmake


As indicated by Marco A. in the comments, the problem were missing libraries. This link helped resolve the issue, and everything seems to be working normally now. Thank you..

Two different CMake difinitions

This is not really related to CMake but more to the C/++ compiler. In the code the difference is the same between : #define MY_DEFINITION and #define MY_DEFINITION 1 Actually there's not need to define a value for a C/++ macro if the only thing you want is to know..

Unable to build GLFW with CMake errors


One of the error outputs was Looking for glXGetProcAddressEXT - not found, and the log files indicated that there was a linking error with libGL. I then tried running apt-get install glfw to print out the list of dependencies. Even though it was an older version in apt-get, it still..

Protobuf cannot be linked on ubuntu


As @frymode pointet out in his comment, linkage to NewGeneratedMessageReflection means that the compiler generated code that uses Protobuf version 3 (as I used that version in my .proto files). However, the library files installed from the ubuntu package pulled version 2 onto my system, that's why the methods could..

Linker error while building from source code


Try passing -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-ldl to the CMake executable. To change the CMake build scripts, add something like: target_link_libraries(target_name dl) where target_name is basically the executable name without any extensions (e.g. .exe). EDIT: Actually, I just reread you question, and I'm putting this in the wrong place. You really want: target_link_libraries(Basic dl)..

CMake to find path to a file which its name contains a certain string

OK, after a lot of searching and getting exhausted I finally found a solution. I just need to use the following command: file(GLOB files 'Mylib*') Which will create a list named files and adds each file that its name matches the pattern 'Mylib*' to it. I really don't know why..

How to set target library dynamically in cmake?


The correct library name should already be provided through FindBoost. Just use it like this: find_package(Boost COMPONENTS thread) include_directories(${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable(foo foo.cpp) target_link_libraries(foo ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) ..

CMake simple MVC structure


It looks pretty normal structure to me. In fact I use the same one in my projects. In the root CMake file you will put: include(Src/Model/CMakelists.txt) and CMakelists.txt might look like this: set(MODEL_HEADERS src/Model/model.hpp) set(MODEL_SOURCES src/Model/model.cpp ${MODEL_HEADERS}) list(APPEND ALL_SOURCES ${MODEL_SOURCES}) source_group('Model' FILES ${MODEL_SOURCES}) Where ALL_SOURCES is the variable from the..

CMAKE, SDL2 and OPENGL: Program binary is too big


Building with cmake . uses the same CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE as the most recent build in that directory. Use cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release . to build in release mode. If you built debug first then release, using the procedure you described, it would just rebuild your debug binary.

Converting Makefiles to CMAKEList (compilation successful but the program behave differently) [closed]


From a quick look, your compile flags are not the same. For example, in the Makefile you have CPPFLAGS= -O3 -Wall $(INCDIR) But, in CMakeLists.txt you have set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ' -Wall -I./include -I/usr/local/include ') which is missing the '-O3' flag. Make sure the flags are identical. The same goes for the..

make error during building webkitgtk


as you see, in Edit1, you (make) try to run JavaScriptCore-4.0.gir instead of compile it with g-ir-compiler; I tried on my pc and my command is: cd /home/davide/src/webkitgtk-2.8.3/build/Source/JavaScriptCore && /usr/bin/g-ir-compiler /home/davide/src/webkitgtk-2.8.3/build/JavaScriptCore-4.0.gir -o /home/davide/src/webkitgtk-2.8.3/build/JavaScriptCore-4.0.typelib as a workaround, you cand edit: build/Source/JavaScriptCore/CMakeFiles/JavascriptCore-4-gir.dir/build here's the lines on my file (the last..

Cmake errors: The CXX Compiler identification is unknown, The C compiler identification is unknown


From the output it appears that cmake was able to find your cross compiler but as the output says it can't compile a simple program. I would start with creating Hello World in C++ and trying to compile that with your cross compiler. If that doesn't work that is your..

Include QtMultimedia (or whatever is needed for QSound) module using CMake


Converting my comment into this answer to close this question: CMake needs to know where the Qt5 specific files are located. Therefore you should add ~/sw/Qt/Qt_5_4/5.4/gcc_64/ either to the environment variable $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set it using set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH '~/sw/Qt/Qt_5_4/5.4/gcc_64/') Then CMake will be able to perform find_package(Qt5Multimedia)..

How to deal with libraries like Boost when cross compiling for arm?


Yes, you need the boost libraries which are not header only built for ARM. This SO question covers that: cross compile Boost 1.57.0 on ubuntu for arm To make things like find_package work for cross compilation you should set CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH. Suppose you set CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH to /opt/beagleboard. CMake will then look..

How can I configure CMake generated Eclipse project's Build Command and Project Paths?


I found a solution to build command issue. When you run cmake to generate the eclipse project include the additional argument:-DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_NINJA_ARGUMENTS=-j100. I haven't confirmed but I believe a similar command is required for eclipse make projects -DCMAKE_ECLIPSE_MAKE_ARGUMENTS=-j100. Unfortunately this feature is poorly documented and I have not found a solution..

cmake target_link_libraries() launching error Cannot specify link libraries for target “debug”


EXECUTABLE_NAME is not set in target_link_libraries command, so in a debug build target_link_libraries(${EXECUTABLE_NAME} ${SFML_LIBRARIES}) is expanded to target_link_libraries(debug path/to/debug/library optimized path/to/release/library .. ) The first argument is treated as target name so you see the error Error:Cannot specify link libraries for target 'debug' which is not built by this project..

CMake creating shared and static library with different defines

You can set compiler flags per-target by using the target_compile_definitions command. For example: target_compile_definitions(support PRIVATE MY_SHARED_DEFINITION) target_compile_definitions(support_s PRIVATE MY_STATIC_DEFINITION) As for adding a postfix to your debug libraries, you can achieve this by setting the CMake variable CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX: set(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX _d) This will cause all non-executable targets to have _d appended..

How do I create a project in Visual Studio to use OpenMesh after I've built using CMake?


Open the file using visual studio (By double clicking on it.) Once visual studio opens find the Build tab at the top of the window. Hit the build solution button and wait for the compiler to finish. To change the build configuration find the drop down menu beside the..

Do you only need to build the googletest library once?


You should keep in mind that make will not rebuild gtest if you don't change anything in gtest source code. Below is my approach to the usage of cmake and gtest for unit testing. You can add gtest source code by adding it as subdirectory in the root CMakeLists.txt file..

Building libobjc2 with CMake + Clang + MinGW on Linux


Okay, so I figured that I would need to add -lobjc to the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, but it never occured to me to add a linker search path for the library. Running the following before make solves my problem: cmake . -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Windows -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=x86_64 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=$CLANG_WINDOWS_XFLAGS -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='$CLANG_WINDOWS_XFLAGS -L`pwd` -lobjc' -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/cross/windows/gnustep ..

How to install shared library and include files manually in linux?


As a work around, I created tbb.pc file to /usr/lib/pkgconfig/. Here is a sample of that file. Change prefix, libdir and include dir path according to your own tbb path and you're good to go. Hope it helps..

c++: Undefined reference to ERROR


undefined reference is a linker error, not a compiler error. Your use of include_directories() is OK, but you forgot to also add ${CPD_LIBRARIES} (1)(2) to the target_link_libraries() of your target(s). (1): Just guessing that FindCPD.cmake 'works' the same way as all the other FindXyz.cmake modules. Never worked with CPD myself..

Configuring CMake to re-compile source when unit testing


First I'd recommend an out-of-source-build like this: ├── build │ ├── src │ └── test └── code ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── src │ ├── CMakeLists.txt │ ├── table.c │ └── table.h └── test └── CMakeLists.txt └── test_table.c The top-level CMakeLists.txt in code would look like this: project(example) set(BUILD_TESTS FALSE CACHE BOOL..

Adding headers to Cmake


I see some problems in your CMake file. First of all, your *.h files musn't be given in the add_executable command. Try something like that : cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(RotateActor) option(INCLUDE_SERVER 'Use the server implementation' ON) # Manage your libraries before your sources find_package(VTK REQUIRED) include(${VTK_USE_FILE}) # add the Server library..

Glew undefined reference linking error


Fixed it. Somewhere along the lines I had got glu32 which glew was using instead of the windows ones I compiled. Added a reference to glew32 and it worked fine..

Building vtk with QT5 windows 8


Did you do step 3 and 4 here? : Combining Qt 5.4.1 with vtk 6.2.0 (using CMake GUI 3.2.1) on windows I'm guessing you didn't change VK_QT_VERSION to 5..

Install a CMake macro script from within a python package install script (using


It took me a while to understand your question. If I understand correctly, what you are trying to do is provide the IodSymbolize.cmake in the standard installation location of cmake so that other users/projects who rely on your software(symbolizer) can use it in their build process. I think you are..

How to use cmakedefine preprocessor directive properly?


You should include not '', but 'headerconfig.h', and add appropriate configure_file call in your cmake. The idea is that cmake process and generate headerconfig.h, replace '#cmakedefine' with real values, and it uses as template.

How do I make cmake output fortran .mod files into a mod dir?


See target's property Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY or CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY.

Error : Cmake can't generate openCV


just do the obvious thing, and specify your c, c++ compiler and the make tool in question: cmake -G 'MinGW Makefiles' -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM='D:/Programme/MinGW/bin/mingw32-make.exe' -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER='D:/Programme/MinGW/bin/mingw32-g++.exe' -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER='D:/Programme/MinGW/bin/mingw32-gcc.exe' -DWITH_IPP=OFF . (ofc. your path will vary, but i hope, you get the idea) ((if you read between the lines - the opencv devs seem to..

CMake and CTest: automatically run test's dependencies


There's no built-in way of doing this as far as I know. The best way I can think of to achieve your goal is to use the LABELS property on the tests. You can retrieve the list of dependencies using get_property or get_test_property and apply the same label to testX..

Why does CMake FILE(READ) ignore commas in my file?

I found out what the problem is : CMake considers my input as a list, in which elements are separated by a comma (;). To avoid that, we have to add quotes to the variable, like this '${MY_VAR}' : message('${CONTENT}') ..

cmake - Is it possible to link executable to shared library with relative path at runtime?


When you launch ldd to check your app shared library dependencies, it always prints absolute paths. But if you are using the -rpath oprtion together with the $ORIGIN variable, everything will work as you expect. You can move the executable and the shared library, remove the original build directory and..

Cmake and Qt5 linking error


I think you forget to append moc and resources to your executable use qt5_wrap_cpp() for mocs use qt5_add_resources() for resources. Then you must append vars to add_executable check out this link. ..

cmake disable optimization with /Od


CMake link shared library

The first parameter to find_library is a variable. So you should use the value of that created and filled out variable in the target_link_libraries: target_link_libraries( application ${abc} ${OpenCV_LIBS}) ..

How to change the name of the output binary to not be a.out with CMake?

Here's a simple CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6 FATAL_ERROR) project(demo) add_executable(hello hello.cpp) This CMakeLists.txt compiles a hello.cpp file to an executable named hello. You can name the executable anything by using the add_executable statement. add_executable(<executable-name> <source1> <source2> ..) ..

How to ask Cmake output googletest detailed result


I figured out I can do this: make test ARGS=-V ..

how to make sure that cmake codes will run after subdirs


Do not use deprecated command subdirs. Everything works when it is replaced by add_subdirectory

Cmake - not creating the dynamic links


ldd reports what the run-time linker can find. If you see in the output it means the binary is linked to the library. The 'not found' means the run-time linker can't find that library (i.e. you don't have it installed in a normal system location). So you can either..

How to write CMakeFile when the code use C++, but called python


This should be sufficient: find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED) add_executable(outxx main.cpp pu.cpp) target_link_libraries(outxx ${PYTHON_LIBRARIES}) target_include_directories(outxx PUBLIC ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS}) And if we were to try and run this: [2:28pm][[email protected] blah] cmake . -- The C compiler identification is AppleClang -- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang -- Check for working C compiler: /Applications/

How to avoid name clashes in cmake subprojects?

CMake doesn't allow duplicate target names. The rationale is provided in the docs for policy CMP0002: Unique names may be referenced unambiguously both in CMake code and on make tool command lines. Logical names are used by Xcode and VS IDE generators to produce meaningful project names for the targets..

Link target to libraries


CMakeLists.txt should call target_link_libraries(cryptopp ws2_32) after command ADD_LIBRARY to resolve undefined references..

Valgrind changes working directory with CTest in KDevelop


It seems to be a problem with KDevelop. Running the test from the console did not change the working directory. I've created a bug report:

How do I list the defined make targets from the command line?

For Makefile generator build environments you could use cmake.exe --build . --target help And there is the graphical output solution (example found here): cmake.exe . --graphviz=test.graph dotty test.graph See also Generating Dependency Graphs with CMake and CMake Graphviz Output Cleaner. If you don't have dotty installed, you can still make..

Templated linkage does not work on -O2, but does on -O0


My issue is solved and dyp was closest with his/her comment. The magic word is 'explicit template instanciation' and may be found here: I did NOT clutter my header files with definitions. Nor did I add code like #include 'some.cpp' into the header, which in my opinion amounts to..