Citra Mac Emulator

  • Sponsor

    • pkg-config (brew install pkgconfig)
    • SDL2 (brew install sdl2, or download this dmg)
    • Qt5 (brew install qt5) (Note: If you have Qt4 installed, then you will need to remove it before building. brew unlink qt4)
    • CMake (brew install cmake)
    • A recent version of Xcode and the Xcode command line tools

    Cloning Citra in Git:

    Using CMake:

    First of all, you have to tell CMake where your Qt5 is installed (add this line to ~/.profile if you want to make this permanent.):

    Now you can generate makefiles for the build:


    This builds a fat binary that has slices targeting early and late x64 machines.

    Building Citra

    A application bundle will now be present under build/bin/. Thrustmaster t-flight hotas x driver for mac. Note that this is non-portable and only works on your machine.

    For portability of the appbundle between machines please refer to this script.

    Clone this wiki locally